What is Residency by Investment?

Residency by investment programmes can provide various benefits for investors and their families. Discover everything you need to know about residency by investment.

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What is residency by investment?

Residency by investment (RBI) programmes exist worldwide, enabling individuals to invest in their economies in exchange for residency rights. These schemes often grant applicants and their families the right to live, work and study in that country.

Residency by investment (RBI) is often known as an investor visa or a Golden Visa. These programmes allow foreign nationals and their families to secure residency in another country by making a qualifying capital investment in the host country. Securing resident status often grants the right to live, work and study in that country.

Investments are usually in the form of real estate, but different programmes offer different routes to securing residency.

Most residency by investment programmes are found in European countries. However, there are some located outside of Europe, such as the U.S. EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program. This scheme grants an EB-5 visa to successful applicants, which can lead to a U.S. green card.

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How does residency by investment work?

Like citizenship by investment schemes, governments typically launch RBI programmes to promote economic growth in a country through foreign investment.

There are various types of investment options. Some of these include real estate investments, government bonds, creating job positions and through philanthropic donations.

The type and minimum investment amount will vary depending on the chosen scheme. It is crucial to check the investment requirements outlined by the country offering the programme.

The difference between permanent and temporary residence permits

Residency by investment either grants a temporary or permanent residence permit.

The rights are typically the same for both. The main difference is that a temporary must be renewed after a specific period. This will depend on the programme, but a temporary permit is usually issued for two or five years.

After that period, the permit can be renewed as long as the programme requirements are met. A temporary residence permit can also lead to permanent residency status after a set period.

What are the benefits of residency by investment?

Residency by investment programmes can offer a wide range of benefits for investors and their families. However, each programme is different. This means the benefits differ from scheme to scheme. Some of the advantages of RBI schemes typically include:

Visa-Free Travel

With a European residence permit, you gain visa-free access to other countries in the Schengen Zone. EU permit holders can typically stay in a country for 90 days in a 180-day period.

Access to education

Residency by investment programmes in a European Union (EU) country provides access to high-quality education. Minor children of applicants can also access the private and public school system in most cases.

Access to healthcare

Europe is home to world-class healthcare. As a resident, you often have the same access to healthcare as citizens.

Tax benefits

Some countries have a more favourable tax system. This includes no tax on worldwide income. Meanwhile, some programmes offer special tax regimes, such as the Portugal Golden Visa, which allows applicants to apply for non-habitual tax resident (NHR) status. This can result in substantial tax savings.

Programme investment options

Not all RBI schemes have the same investment options. However, some of the common investment routes include:

  • Real estate investments – this includes residential property and commercial property
  • Investing in government bonds or securities
  • Investment in job creation or a business
  • Contributing to an approved investment fund
  • Making a capital transfer
  • Making a philanthropic donation
  • Contributing to a government fund to support the country’s social and economic development
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What is the application process?

Not all RBI schemes have the same investment options. However, some of the common investment routes include:

  • Submitting necessary documents
  • Undergoing due diligence checks
  • Making the required investment
  • Obtaining approval from the government

How long the entire process takes will vary depending on various factors, such as the country and the investment option.

Who can apply for residency by investment?

In most cases, those who apply for residency do not need to pass a language proficiency test in their desired country of residence.

Each programme may have different eligibility requirements. However, some of the typical conditions include:

  • No criminal record
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be able to support yourself and your family financially
  • Maintaining the investment for a defined period
  • Reside in the country for a specific period of time

How to choose the right residency by investment programme

Factors such as your goals and situation must be considered when selecting the appropriate residency by investment programme. Each programme offers different benefits, investment options, and eligibility criteria. That is why finding a scheme that aligns with your goals and preferences is essential.

Potential investors should seek professional advice to make an informed decision.

Holborn Pass is an international leader in investor visas. We provide comprehensive support and solutions for clients who wish to secure citizenship or residency in another country.

Our experts will help you find the right programme for you and help guide you through the process from start to finish. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

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Frequently asked questions

Residency by investment is not always a direct path to citizenship. However, some programmes can lead to citizenship and a passport after a certain period, subject to the requirements of the host country being met.

The minimum investment requirements vary depending on the scheme and the type of investment. Our programme pages provide a full breakdown of the investment costs for each RBI scheme.

Residency by investment programmes often allow investors to include immediate family members on their application. This includes spouses and dependent children.

Each programme has different investment eligibility requirements. Some of the common options include property investments, contributing to designated funds and business investments.

The processing time for applications varies from country to country. Our guides provide a more accurate breakdown of the process timeline for each country. Alternatively, speak to one of our experts to learn more.

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