Compare our Citizenship & Residency Programmes

Which programme is right for you?

Citizenship or Residency Programme?Citizenship or Residency Programme
Minimum Investment AmountMinimum Investment Amount
Minimum Stay RequirementMinimum Stay Requirement
Initial Permit DurationInitial Permit Duration
Renewal PeriodRenewal Period
Time to ResidenceTime to Residence
Lead to Citizenship?Lead to Citizenship?
Time to CitizenshipTime to Citizenship
Family Inclusion?Family Inclusion
Right to Work?Right to Work
Visa-Free Travel?Visa-Free Travel
Type of Document ReceivedType of document received
No. of Visa-Free Countries with Passport?No. of Visa-Free Countries with Passport
Free Education?Free education
Free Healthcare for all Applicants?Free healthcare for all applicants
Minimum Investment DurationMinimum investment duration
Biometrics Visit to Country Required? Biometrics visit to country required?
Language Proficiency Requirement?Language proficiency requirement?
Dual Citizenship?*Dual Citizenship*
Tax on Global Income/Assets?Tax on global income / assets

* Dual citizenship is dependant on both your home country and CBI country allowing dual citizenship

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