EB3 Visa Costs

The EB-3 employment-based visa program provides a pathway to U.S. residency, making it one of the most popular ways of immigrating to the U.S. But how much is an EB-3 Visa, and what are the associated costs for including family members in the application?

This guide provides a comprehensive summary of the EB-3 Visa process costs. We will look at the payment structure and additional fees for the program.

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EB-3 Visa Costs

The EB-3 Work Visa program allows qualified individuals and their families to live and work in the United States.

There are three categories of applicants:

  • EB-3(A) Skilled Workers
  • Those whose jobs require at least two years of training or work experience.
  • EB-3(B) Professional Workers: Those whose jobs require at least a bachelor’s degree or a foreign equivalent.
  • EB-3(C) Other Workers: Those performing unskilled labour that requires less than two years of training or experience.

The EB-3(C) category remains a popular choice due to its relatively low requirements and high success rate. It can be challenging to demonstrate that professional or skilled workers are more qualified than American nationals for certain jobs.

The EB-3 Unskilled or Other Workers visa provides a pathway to permanent residency by filling job positions with minimal requirements that may be challenging to fill with American workers

The EB-3 Visa allows foreign workers and their families to apply for a Green Card through employment sponsorship, with the option of the Other Workers visa for those without job experience.

The program is run by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which issues approximately 40,000 EB-3 Visas each year.

EB-3 Visa cost

The cost of an EB-3 visa process varies depending on your circumstances. Unlike the EB-5 Visa, which requires an investment of at least $800,000, the EB-3 Visa offers significant benefits, such as the ability to live and work in the U.S., at a more achievable price.

The total cost for the EB-3(C) Unskilled Worker Visa process for a primary applicant is $45,000 USD, covering all required government fees.

Applicants can add dependents, such as a spouse and children under 21, to their application for an extra fee of $3,000 USD per applicant

For instance, including a spouse and two unmarried children in your application would result in a total amount of $54,000 USD.

Additional EB-3 Visa costs

In addition to the EB-3 process cost, prospective visa holders should consider additional expenses associated with relocating abroad, which will depend on individual circumstances.

Below is an overview of some of the additional EB-3 Green Card process costs. Remember, these are subject to change, and expenses can fluctuate. Speak to one of our experts for the most up-to-date breakdown of costs.

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Premium processing

The processing time for the EB-3 Visa varies depending on the country of residence and other factors. In general, the average processing time is about 24 months to 36 months. However, there is a possibility of becoming a U.S. Green Card holder much sooner, depending on your circumstances.

A premium processing fee of $4,500 USD per application is required to speed up the process. Premium processing is an additional service provided by USCIS. This helps applicants expedite their application processing.

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Travel costs

You and your dependents will be required to travel to the U.S. to obtain the Green Card. Read our guide to the EB-3 Visa application process to learn more. You will need to pay for your transportation costs. This will vary depending on where you live, when and where you fly, and the number of applicants.

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Receiving a Green Card does not come hand in hand with accommodation. EB-3 Visa holders must consider accommodation when moving to the U.S.

Although Holborn can point you in the right direction, arranging accommodation before you begin your life in the U.S. is recommended.

The accommodation price will vary depending on what state you will be working in and whether you will be looking to rent or purchase. For example, according to Forbes Renting Statistics published in February 2024, the average rent varies from $897 USD in North Dakota to $2,361 USD in Hawaii.

EB-3 Green Card payment options

The EB-3 Visa process cost can be divided into three instalments and paid over 1-2 years. The deposits are made at the time of application, around 5-7 months in and 12-14 months in.

Below is a breakdown of the instalments for the EB-3 Visa:

  • The first instalment of $20,000 USD is required at the start of the application process to cover expenses related to professional fees.
  • The second instalment of $15,000 USD is required between 5 and 7 months into the visa process to cover costs for filing the Green Card petition and government fees. This instalment will increase if you include dependents or premium processing in your application.
  • The third instalment of $10,000 USD is paid around the 12th month of the process. This payment covers the cost of preparation for a consular interview and final visa fees.

Secure your EB-3 Visa with Holborn

The EB-3 Visa program offers several benefits, such as the ability to live and work in the U.S. by undertaking a job in America.

But there is more than just the cost to think about. Foreign workers should understand all the EB-3 Visa process costs involved, including the cost of any additional dependents added to the application and the premium processing fee costs.

Download our EB-3 factsheet to learn more about EB-3 Visa process costs. Alternatively, speak to one of our specialists.

Holborn Pass is an international leader in second residency programs. Our expert team provides a bespoke, end-to-end service and tailored advice to support your needs.

We are part of the wider Holborn Assets Group, a leading, award-winning financial advisory company with over $2 billion in assets under management (AUM).

We have successfully helped hundreds of individuals and families secure their visas. To find out how we can assist you, book a consultation with one of our advisers.

Frequently asked questions

The EB-3 Work Visa program offers a path to U.S. residency for foreign nationals and their families through employment. The EB-3 Unskilled Workers Visa requires applicants to have a job offer from a U.S. employer, basic English skills and a clean police report. USCIS issues about 40,000 EB-3 Visas annually, catering to skilled, unskilled and professional workers

The cost for the main applicant is $45,000 USD. This amount covers all immigrant visa government fees required for the application process.

Yes, family members such as a spouse and dependent children under 21 can be included in the application. The cost for each additional dependent is $3,000 USD.

Beyond the base cost, applicants should account for additional expenses like the premium processing fee of $4,500 USD to expedite the visa application process, accommodation in the U.S., and travel costs for the Green Card interview. The actual EB-3 Green Card process and associated costs can vary, so consulting an expert is recommended for the most accurate information.

The EB-3 Visa process cost can be divided into three instalments over 1-2 years. The first instalment of $20,000 USD is due at the application start, the second instalment of $15,000 USD around 5-7 months in, and the final instalment of $10,000 USD near the 12th month for the Green Card application and final visa fees.

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