Citizenship by Investment in St. Lucia

  • A cost-effective route to citizenship
  • Short processing time
  • Visa-free travel
Free consultation

Minimum Investment Amount


Processing Time

4-6 months

Key Residency Benefit

Affordable route to citizenship

Why is St. Lucia a popular investment location?

St. Lucia is an island state located in the Caribbean Sea and is the home of the majestic Piton mountains.

The Caribbean country is famous for its striking natural beauty with white sand beaches, crystal clear waters, volcanic mud baths, and spectacular waterfalls.

There are also various activities to take part in across the island. These include ziplining through the rainforest, snorkelling and exploring the iconic Piton mountains.

About the St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment programme

The government launched the St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Programme in 2015. The scheme allows applicants to secure citizenship in the country and a St. Lucia Passport provided specific investment requirements are met.

The programme offers a simplified process and multiple investment options. St. Lucia is the only Caribbean country that allows the applicant to invest in bonds.

With investments starting at $240,000, St. Lucia offers one of the most affordable routes to securing a second passport and numerous other benefits that come with being a citizen of the country.

What are the Benefits of Citizenship by investment in St. Lucia?

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Investment options starting from only $240,000

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Short processing time of around 4-6 months

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Visa-free travel to over 145 countries

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No minimum stay or interview requirements

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Grants citizenship to the applicant and their family

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A favourable tax system

Learn more about Citizenship by investment in St. Lucia

Free consultation

How to obtain Citizenship by investment in St. Lucia

Non-refundable contribution

Make a non-refundable contribution to the National Economic Fund (NEF) of St. Lucia. The NEF raises funds to enhance the infrastructure and utilities of the island.

  • The minimum contribution amount varies depending on the number of people included in the application.
  • Applicant alone with up to three other qualifying dependents: US $240,000
  • Each additional qualifying dependent (Under 18 years of age): US$ 10,000
  • Each additional qualifying dependent (Above 18 years of age): US$ 20,000
  • Newborn child of a citizen who is 12 months of age or below: US$ 5,000
  • Spouse of a Citizen: US$ 35,000
  • Qualifying dependents of a citizen other than a spouse: US$ 25,000

Bond purchase

Invest $300,000 in the National Action Government Bond (NAB) regardless of the number of applicants. Bonds can be fully redeemed in five years, and the money can be returned.

A non-refundable administration fee of $50,000 applies to applicants who take this investment route.

Real estate investment

Invest in a government-approved real estate development. The minimum investment requirement is $300,000, regardless of the number of applicants. There is a minimum holding period of five years. After five years, investors can sell the property.

The real estate option has an additional, non-refundable administration fee of at least $30,000.

Ready to speak to a specialist?

Free consultation

Key Benefit of Citizenship by investment in St. Lucia

The St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Programme offers one of the most affordable routes to citizenship and a second passport.

Investments start at $240,000, and the programme offers multiple routes to secure citizenship. The application process is also quick and straightforward. The entire process can be completed within three months on average.

Once approved, applicants are granted a St. Lucia passport. Passport holders benefit from visa-free travel to more than 140 countries, including Hong Kong, countries in the Schengen Area and the UK.

Successful applicants also benefit from a favourable tax system. Non-tax residents have no income, wealth, inheritance tax, or capital gains tax on worldwide income or assets.

Frequently asked questions

One of the many attractions of St Lucia is that the Citizenship by Investment programme does not have any minimum stay requirements. Citizens of St Lucia have the right to live, work or study in St Lucia if they wish to, but this is not a pre-requisite of the programme.

Also, there is also no interview or language test required.

St. Lucia recognises dual citizenship. This means investors can keep their existing nationality and passport unless the other country does not allow dual citizenship.

Family members can be included in the same citizenship application as the principal investor. Eligible family members are:

  • Spouse
  • Children under the age of 18
  • Children between the age of 18 and 30, as long as they are financially dependent
  • Dependent Parents of either spouse over the age of 55
  • Dependent siblings of the applicant or spouse, as long as they are under 18 and have a parent’s or guardian’s consent to participate in the programme

To be eligible for the St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Programme, the primary applicant requirements are:

  • Be over 18 years old
  • Be in good health
  • Have a clean criminal record
  • Have enough funds to make the investments and be able to provide proof of funds from a legal source
  • Not be from a restricted nation such as Iran or Russia or have a visa refusal from countries with visa waiver agreements with St. Lucia

Applications are typically processed within 4-6 months from the date they are submitted to the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Unit.

Please be aware that there is also a period, usually 2-6 weeks, where applicants will gather all the necessary documents to compile their file prior to submission.

From making an enquiry and speaking with a specialist at Holborn, clients typically have their citizenship within 6 months.

There are 2 investment routes to choose from with the St Lucia CBI programme:

  1. Citizenship by Donation – This is a non-refundable contribution to the National Economic Fund which starts from $240,000 for a family of four.
  2. Citizenship by Real Estate Investment – minimum of $300,000 into a government-approved property project, plus fees.

The most cost-effective way to obtain your visa is through the 1st option – donation.

Which programme is right for you?

Citizenship or Residency Programme?Citizenship or Residency Programme?Citizenship
Minimum Investment AmountMinimum Investment Amount$240,000
Minimum Stay RequirementMinimum Stay RequirementNo
Initial Permit DurationInitial Permit DurationN/A
Time to ResidenceTime to ResidenceN/A
Time to CitizenshipTime to Citizenship4-6 months
Family Inclusion?Family Inclusion?Spouse, children under 30 and parents over 55
Right to Work?Right to Work?Yes
Type of Document ReceivedType of Document Received?Certificate of citizenship and passport
No. of Visa-Free Countries with Passport?No. of Visa-Free Countries with Passport?147

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